I look into your eyes and see
my own reflection back at me
Cosmo Guglielmi, Italian artist and architect
Source: suzettenaples
Cosmo Guglielmi and marble mural he created and the man for whom he created it
Source: suzettenaples
Photograph of a sculpture by Cosmo Guglielmi, Italian artist and architect
Source: suzettenap
the window of the soul
Colors cascading through your eyes
return to me
A blank canvas awaiting
the colors of the palate
All reflected in pools of color
which revert to me
Clay mounds
sculpted into motion
The sketch of a face
reflected in the mirrors of your eyes
The gentle touch and brush
of a stroke fine and thin
A brush stroke thick and bold
the colors screaming at attention
All from one look
into the soul of an artist
Copyright 2013 Suzannah Wolf Walker all rights reserved
Last updated on April 28, 2013
Unfollow (10)Comments 22 comments
This is fantastic, you have a real sense of passion that you have intergrated really well into this poem, I like it very much.VOTED UP
Status: Approved.
And you are such an accomplished artist!...Beautiful poem. I love the idea of colours reflecting a palette from the artist's eyes. Wonderful work. Voting up and beautiful.
Status: Approved.
Nice! good to see you suzettenaples . . . I like the image shared of the artist, a mural, the owner who shared freely, while pondering those rings of life, some say of a tree.
The inspiration I feel from this poem sharing and that image is if I were a young'un with a child near to, I would consider choosing which tree to plant. Not of the yard, since most are destined to move.
Somewhere, out there, where a natural life will occur. A place that child will have opportunity to see 'change' and then maybe reflect 'of change.'
Just maybe that will occur with a grandchild one day for that once was a thought, became a babe, and then without oddity, grew . . . and the what of the matter is of no consequence. Only the relationship of that once as child and those times visiting with a lifelong friend . . . a tree with more rings than many. Each ring hidden from a friend, who visits now and then, who may ponder the new rings of each year lives since visited last.
I ask forgiveness if of much space and such, yet the poem shared, that image, well, simply inspiring . . .
Status: Approved.
To me, this speaks of the places we find inspiration and how freeing it is to be inspired--lovely!
Status: Approved.
Oh, wow, this is fantastic and profound! Really enjoyed this piece.
Excellent work! Voted up ++++ and sharing
God bless, Faith Reaper
Status: Approved.
Lovely. You're a real artist with words.
Status: Approved.
Very inspiring work. Beautiful!
Status: Approved.
I love this! The deep connection through art...beautifully expressed.
Status: Approved.
Eyes are magical,aren't they?
Your poetic verse has tender passion,which is pleasing.
Status: Approved.
Voted up and awesome. Lovely poetry.
Status: Approved.
Nicely crafted. Thanks for sharing! :o)
Status: Approved.
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