Monday, September 12, 2011

Too much time spent on 9/11?

I have been reading on other blog sites some articles, remarks, and comments that too much time has been spend on thinking, reading, writing, and listening about 9/11 this weekend.  Too much time has been spent by our government, media, and organizations remembering and memorializing those that died on 9/11 they state.  I don't think there has been too much coverage of 9/11 this weekend in the media or in the week leading up to it.   Nearly 3,000 or more Americans died as a result of the terror attacks on our nation on 9/11/01.  I can't imagine a more fitting way to spend our time this weekend than remembering and dedicating our thoughts and prayers to those that died that day and the the families that lost loved ones that day.

I do take the attacks on 9/11/01 as an act of war on this country.  This was not simple airplane hijackings gone astray.  This was an attack, by Arabs (of Islamic religion), that was preplanned and premeditated with trying to kill as many Americans as possible and to hit our Twin Towers, Pentagon, White House and Capitol Building.  Thankfully, because of the quick thinking of Todd Beemer and others on his air flight, they kept the terrorists from their goal of hitting the White House or Capitol Building.  They are true heroes.  They sacrificed their lives to save the rest of us.  I don't think a weekend of remembering them and what they accomplished that day on our behalf is "spending too much time on 9/11."  They are just as much heroes as those who have fought in the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the Iraq War (twice) & the Afghanistan War.

To not spend time this weekend remembering all who had died on 9/11, is the same as not remembering those who died at Pearl Harbor.  We have a memorial to those who died at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and they are remembered every year on December 7.  I can't see how 9/11 is any different.

Yes, we have many pressing problems today in America.  Unemployment, a tanking economy, government bickering,  old and rotting infrastructure, education problems; the list can go on and on.  But, not to remember those that sacrificed their lives in an attack on our nation is intolerable to me.  To remember the best about our country is what is important now, also.  And those that died on 9/11 are the best.  Not to remember them and their families would be a travesty of justice.  No matter how many problems this country has, we have to remember and celebrate all that is good with this country also.  And that is its people.   Its people who all joined together to help one another that day and the weeks following the attack.  Without regard to color, race, creed, economic class, legal or illegal immigrant, we came together and helped one another.  We are not doing that today.  Ten years later, we are as divided as this nation has ever been since the Civil War.  The public discourse is full of rancor, jealousy, lies, and ego.  Today, we only care about ourselves and only look out for ourselves, to the detriment of other Americans.

If we don't start coming together as Americans like we did on 9/11, this nation will destroy itself from within.  United we stand; divided we fall.  The solution is so simple, yet we are making things so complicated and difficult.  Surely, we have more in common than we do different.

We will always remember, and honor those who died and their families on 9/11, because it is the right and decent thing to do.

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